Under Culture we noted that one often finds that serious problems in households are often the result of the dysfunctional interaction and destructive combinations of diverse elements. But there are also examples of and possibilities for life-giving and beneficial combinations. We cannot do it ourselves, but as far as we are able to do so, we want to facilitate the healing of relations, with God, between family members, between a household and other households and entities, and the relations with the ecology.

A model is a construct where a number of elements are combined in a beneficial way and where it solves a given problem that people in many areas have. If the construct works in one area, we assume that it can also work in similar areas.

Even more: the better it is integrated into the context where it has been developed, the better are its chances to be duplicated and multiplied and taken to scale in similar contexts. For this reason we want to give the optimum attention to the development of the model, in order to be more cost-effective in later phases. A good model is a combination of elements that fits into and functions well within the larger patterns and dynamics of the household, the wider community and even the environment.