The management organogram in Figure 1 below depicts the management structure of Nova. The board of directors oversees progress toward the realisation of our vision; the executive committee takes responsibility to see to it that suitable contracts are secured, that the work is done proficiently, timely, in an ethical manner and in accordance with available budgets. Nova executes projects with the support of business units and portfolios.
When Nova takes on a new project, the project is officially registered on the Nova Programme Management and Financial Systems. The registration includes the establishment of a project team typically including a project director, a project manager, an expert or specialist and additional project members. Each project has its own cost centre. A project has a start and an end date and usually ends with a project completion report.
Portfolios render business management and administrative services to Nova. Each portfolio is managed by a portfolio manager supported by his or her portfolio team. Portfolio managers report and present annual budgets to the Nova executive committee for approval.
Business units render specialised business process services to Nova. Each business unit is managed by a business unit manager supported by his or her business unit team. Business unit managers report and present annual budgets to the Nova executive committee for approval.
Figure 1: Nova Institute Management Organogram