Please click on the articles below to view:
Murray, M. 2003. Troos vir bedelaar en sondaar. 'n Teologies-kritiese ondersoek na die verband tussen lewenspeil en verlossing van sonde in die Gereformeerde tradisie en die betekenis daarvan vir 'n Christelike lewenstyl in Suider-Afrika . University of Pretoria.
Murray, M. 2005. Lewenspeil, verlossing van sonde en MIV en VIGS in Suider-Afrika : gedagtes uit die Gereformeerde tradisie Standard of living, forgiveness of sins and HIV/aids in Southern Africa : notions from the Reformed tradition. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies; Vol 61, No 4 (2005), pp. 1299-1320.
Holm, D., Murray, M. & Pauw, P. 2005. The house as a satisfier for human needs: a framework for analysis, impact measurement and design. XXXIII IAHS, World Congress on Housing Transforming Housing Environments through Design, September 27-30, Pretoria, South Africa.
Holm, D., Murray, M. & Pauw, P. 2005. The interface between social dynamics and thermal effects in the design of subsidy housing in South Africa. XXXIII IAHS, World Congress on Housing Transforming Housing Environments through Design, September 27-30, Pretoria, South Africa.
Murray, M. 2007. David Bosch en die identiteit-betrokkenheid-dilemma, NGTT, 48: 3 & 4, pp. 545-5.
Murray, M. & Versteeg, M. 2008. Condom use as part of the wider HIV prevention strategy: experiences from communities in the North West Province, South Africa. Sahara, Vol 5, Jul 2008, pp. 83-93.
Murray, M., Versteeg, M. & Hugo, J. 2008. The impact of diarrhoea in infants on the quality of life of low-income households, SA Fam Pract, 50, (2), pp. 62-62c.
Chabikuli, N. Murray, M., Fehrsen, S. & Hugo, J. 2008. Choosing, changing or adhering to a registered doctor in a managed care plan : what will it take? A qualitative survey in rural Mpumalanga, South Africa. SA Fam Pract 2008;50(4):66-66d.
Attie van Niekerk: “The Missional congregation in the South African context” has been published in HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies. The article can be found here:
Attie van Niekerk: The Lost Land and the Earth Mother: African Mythology and the Issue of Land in Southern Africa in: Culpepper, R. Alan and Van der Watt, Jan G: Creation stories in dialogue. The Bible, Science and Folk Traditions, Brill: Leiden (2016).
Attie van Niekerk; Reason, faith and practice in our common home, South Africa, to be published in 2018.
Manfred A. Max-Neef, Foundations of transdisciplinarity, Universidad Austral de Chile, Casilla 567 Valdivia, Chile
Received 16 August 2004; received in revised form 22 December 2004; accepted 3 January 2005 Available online 11 March 2005.
Manfred A. Max-Neef, Human Scale and Development - Conception, Application and further Reflections, The Apex Press New York, and London.
M Murray and E Wolff, A hermeneutic framework for responsible technical interventions in low-income households – mobile phones for improved managed health care as test case, TD The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, 11(3) December 2015, pp. 171-185..
Ned Geref Teologiese Tydskrif, DEEL 55, NOMMERS 1 & 2, MAART EN JUNIE, 2014.
Mark Rathbone, Fabian von Schéele, Sytse Strijbos, Social Change in Our Technology-Based World, Proceedings of the 19th Annual Working Conference of the IIDE, 6 - 9 May 2014, Rozenberg 2014
Attie van Niekerk, The cultural basis for a sustainable community in a South African Township, Published in in: Rathbone, Mark; von Schéele, Fabian and Strijbos Sytse (ed.s): Social Change in Our Technology-Based World, (2014), Rozenberg Publishers.
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